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Switch Port Monitoring

The program allows you to monitor switch ports using the SNMP protocol. You can check whether some host with a specified MAC address is connected to the necessary switch port or not.

In the program, all hosts connected to a switch are registered in it in special MAC address table and port table (routing tables). These tables set up a correspondence of physical (MAC) addresses of the hosts with ports of the switch. The check based upon the SNMP protocol helps to promptly respond to the re-registration of hosts from one port of the switch to the other. To take advantage of the check, set the list of IP addresses of all switches in the network, their Community (password for accessing data for reading) and initial values of the port number and IP address of the switch where the host is to be registered. The check periodically the host's registration information from the switch and compares it with the initial parameters. If the host, for example, is detected on a different switch or on a different port, the application will alert of that.

The check returns the number of the current switch port the host is connected to. When you use the special substitution keys, the program will display the switch port number and its description on the connection line's caption on the map. Thus, you can see the actual switch connection port numbers for hosts on your screen.

See also: TCP port monitoring, SNMP monitoring


Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10/11, Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022 supported.


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